

Health Promoting Leadership: The Mediating Role of an Organizational Health Culture

14 years 27 days ago
Health Promoting Leadership: The Mediating Role of an Organizational Health Culture
Drawing from the findings within the safety literature, the present study identifies the effects of leadership on an organizational health culture and strain. The importance of leadership for the development of a corporate health culture is demonstrated as well as the positive effect of health culture on employee strain level. Empirical data from a longitudinal study in the German tax administration is presented. Leadership has a positive impact on the development of a corporate health culture, which in turn reduces employees' strain level. Discussion addresses the similarities of health and safety leadership regarding effects and mediating processes.
Jochen Gurt, Gabriele Elke
Added 18 Feb 2011
Updated 18 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Where HCI
Authors Jochen Gurt, Gabriele Elke
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