

Ontology-Supported Web Recommender for Scholar Information

14 years 27 days ago
Ontology-Supported Web Recommender for Scholar Information
In this quickly developed and shifting era of Internet, how to make use of webpage indexing structure or search engines which let information demanders fast and precisely search and extract out advantage information has become extremely important capability in users on the Web. This paper combined a data mining tool SPSS Clementine with the domain ontology to mine out usefully important information from huge datum, and then to employ Java to develop an information recommender for scholars--- OntoRecommender, in which can recommend suitably important information to scholars. The preliminary experiment outcomes proved the reliability and validation of the recommender achieving the regular-level outcomes of information recommendation, and accordingly proved the feasibility of the related techniques proposed in this paper.
Sheng-Yuan Yang, Chun-Liang Hsu
Added 18 Feb 2011
Updated 18 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Where HIS
Authors Sheng-Yuan Yang, Chun-Liang Hsu
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