

On Document Classification with Self-Organising Maps

14 years 1 days ago
On Document Classification with Self-Organising Maps
Abstract This research deals with the use of self-organising maps for the classification of text documents. The aim was to classify documents to separate classes according to their topics. We therefore constructed self-organising maps that were effective for this task and tested them with German newspaper documents. We compared the results gained to those of k nearest neighbour searching and k-means clustering. For five and ten classes, the self-organising maps were better yielding as high average classification accuracies as 88-89%, whereas nearest neighbour searching gave 74-83% and k-means clustering 7279% as their highest accuracies.
Jyri Saarikoski, Kalervo Järvelin, Jorma Laur
Added 18 Feb 2011
Updated 18 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Authors Jyri Saarikoski, Kalervo Järvelin, Jorma Laurikkala, Martti Juhola
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