

End-to-End Delay Approximation in Cascades of Generalized Processor Sharing Schedulers

14 years 20 days ago
End-to-End Delay Approximation in Cascades of Generalized Processor Sharing Schedulers
Abstract This paper proposes an analytical method to evaluate the delay violation probability of traffic flows with statistical Quality-of-Service (QoS) guarantees in a Generalized Processor Sharing scheduler. The statistical QoS targets, for each service class, are expressed in terms of a delay threshold and delay violation probability. We study both the single node and the endto-end paths comprising multiple schedulers. Moreover, we assume that traffic admits a linear variance envelope, therefore, we account for Leaky-Bucket-regulated traffic, for general MarkovModulated Poisson Process sources and Markov-Modulated Fluid Process sources and, more in general, to the wide class of sources for which the variance of the cumulative generated traffic can be upper bounded by a linear function of time. Under these assumptions, we are able to derive an approximation on delay distributions for each class of the GPS scheduler. Moreover, by exploiting a novel framework for the calculation of st...
Paolo Giacomazzi, Gabriella Saddemi
Added 18 Feb 2011
Updated 18 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Where ICC
Authors Paolo Giacomazzi, Gabriella Saddemi
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