

Invariant Primitives for Handwritten Arabic Script: A Contrastive Study of Four Feature Sets

14 years 26 days ago
Invariant Primitives for Handwritten Arabic Script: A Contrastive Study of Four Feature Sets
The choice of relevant features is very decisive in handwriting recognition rate. Our aim is to present some useful structural and statistical features and see their degree of variability. In this paper, we start with a description of the variability of the Arabic handwriting and the way how to reduce it. Four kinds of feature sets used by our handwriting systems are then presented evaluated and discussed. The comparison is carried on a database of images from IFN/ENIT databases. The Neural Network Multilayer perceptrons is our method of classification. A contrastive study of these primitives is done according to recognition their time and memory consuming and their variability degree.
Sofiene Haboubi, Samia Maddouri, Noureddine Ellouz
Added 18 Feb 2011
Updated 18 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Authors Sofiene Haboubi, Samia Maddouri, Noureddine Ellouze, Hailkal El Abed
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