

Improving Clinical Relevance in Ensemble Support Vector Machine Models of Radiation Pneumonitis Risk

13 years 10 months ago
Improving Clinical Relevance in Ensemble Support Vector Machine Models of Radiation Pneumonitis Risk
Patients undergoing thoracic radiation therapy can develop radiation pneumonitis (RP), a potentially fatal inflammation of the lungs. Support vector machines (SVMs), a statistical machine learning method, have recently been used to build binary-outcome RP prediction models with promising results. In this work, we (1) introduce a feature-ranking selection step to improve the parsimony of our previous ensemble SVM model (2) show that ensembles of SVMs provide a statistically significant performance improvement in the area under the cross-validated receiver operating curve and (3) apply Platt's tuning to the component SVMs to generate probability estimates in order to augment clinical relevance.
Todd W. Schiller, Yixin Chen, Issam El-Naqa, Josep
Added 19 Feb 2011
Updated 19 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Authors Todd W. Schiller, Yixin Chen, Issam El-Naqa, Joseph O. Deasy
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