

Compiler Plugins Can Handle Nested Languages: AST-Level Expansion of LINQ Queries for Java

14 years 4 days ago
Compiler Plugins Can Handle Nested Languages: AST-Level Expansion of LINQ Queries for Java
The integration of database and programming languages is made difficult by the different data models and type systems prevalent in each field. Functional-object query languages contribute to bridge this gap by letting software developers write declarative queries without imposing any specific execution strategy. Although some query optimizers support this paradigm, Java provides no means to embed queries in a seamless and typesafe manner. Interestingly, the benefits of such grammar extension (compile-time type inference and checking, user-friendly syntax) can alternatively be achieved with a compiler plugin as discussed in this paper for the LINQ query language and two Java compilers (from Sun and Eclipse). A prototype confirms the benefits of the approach by automating at compile-time (a) the parsing of LINQ queries nested in Java, (b) their analysis for well-formedness, and (c) their rewriting into ts to build Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs). The technique is also applicable to other la...
Miguel Garcia
Added 19 Feb 2011
Updated 19 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Authors Miguel Garcia
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