

Planning the reconfiguration of grounded truss structures with truss climbing robots that carry truss elements

13 years 10 months ago
Planning the reconfiguration of grounded truss structures with truss climbing robots that carry truss elements
Abstract-- In this paper we describe an optimal reconfiguration planning algorithm that morphs a grounded truss structure of known geometry into a new geometry. The plan consists of a sequence of paths to move truss elements to their new locations that generate the new truss geometry. The trusses are grounded and remain connected at all time. Intuitively, the algorithm grows gradually the new truss structure from the old one. The truss elements are rigid bars joined with 18-way connectors. The paper also introduces the design of a truss-climbing robot that can execute the plan.
Seung-kook Yun, David Alan Hjelle, Eric Schweikard
Added 19 Feb 2011
Updated 19 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Where ICRA
Authors Seung-kook Yun, David Alan Hjelle, Eric Schweikardt, Hod Lipson, Daniela Rus
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