

On the Support of Dynamic Service Composition at Runtime

14 years 25 days ago
On the Support of Dynamic Service Composition at Runtime
Abstract. Network-based software application services are receiving a lot of attention in recent years, as observed in developments as Internet of Services, Software as a Service and Cloud Computing. A service-oriented computing ecosystem is being created where the end-user is having an increasingly more active role in the service creation process. However, supporting end-users in the creation of a service, at runtime, is a difficult undertaking. Users are heterogeneous, have different requirements, preferences and knowledge. Furthermore, and since we cannot assume that all users are technical experts, we conclude that highly mechanisms should be available to support the service creation process. To tackle these issues and provide end-users with personalised service delivery, we claim that runtime automated service composition mechanisms are required. In this paper we present the DynamiCoS framework, which aims at supporting the different phases required to provide users with automatic...
Eduardo Goncalves da Silva, Luís Ferreira P
Added 19 Feb 2011
Updated 19 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Authors Eduardo Goncalves da Silva, Luís Ferreira Pires, Marten van Sinderen
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