

TiMDPpoly: An Improved Method for Solving Time-Dependent MDPs

14 years 13 hour ago
TiMDPpoly: An Improved Method for Solving Time-Dependent MDPs
We introduce TiMDPpoly, an algorithm designed to solve planning problems with durative actions, under probabilistic uncertainty, in a non-stationary, continuous-time context. Mission planning for autonomous agents such as planetary rovers or unmanned aircrafts often correspond to such time-dependent planning problems. Modeling these problems can be cast through the framework of Time-dependent Markov Decision Processes (TiMDPs). We analyze the TiMDP optimality equations in order to exploit their properties. Then, we focus on the class of piecewise polynomial models in order to approximate TiMDPs, and introduce several algorithmic contributions which lead to the TiMDPpoly algorithm for TiMDPs. Finally, our approach is evaluated on an unmanned aircraft mission planning problem and on an adapted version of the well-known Mars rover domain.
Emmanuel Rachelson, Patrick Fabiani, Fréd&e
Added 19 Feb 2011
Updated 19 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Authors Emmanuel Rachelson, Patrick Fabiani, Frédérick Garcia
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