

Coordinate-based routing: Refining nodeIds in structured peer-to-peer systems

14 years 1 days ago
Coordinate-based routing: Refining nodeIds in structured peer-to-peer systems
Structured peer-to-peer systems--also known as key-based routing protocols--offer a base for a broad range of applications. In the past, different topology adaptation mechanisms for minimizing key-based routing latencies were proposed and deployed with several today's state-of-the-art protocols. In this paper we introduce coordinate-based routing (CBR), a topology adaptation method, that utilizes landmark-based network coordinate systems and a global a-priori knowledge of node distribution to preserve the uniform distribution of node identifiers. With CBR, a notable decrease of routing latencies in prefix-based KBR-protocols can be achieved, even in combination with other topology adaptation mechanisms enabled. Additionally, CBR allows for a location-based replication strategy in distributed storage applications, which supports the lookup of closer replicas with respect to proximity. Simulation results show a significant decrease of KBR routing latencies and twice as fast get()-op...
Fabian Hartmann, Bernhard Heep
Added 19 Feb 2011
Updated 19 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Authors Fabian Hartmann, Bernhard Heep
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