

Customised Cytoarchitectonic Probability Maps Using Deformable Registration: Primary Auditory Cortex

15 years 1 months ago
Customised Cytoarchitectonic Probability Maps Using Deformable Registration: Primary Auditory Cortex
A novel method is presented for creating a probability map from histologically defined cytoarchitectonic data, customised for the anatomy of individual fMRI volunteers. Postmortem structural and cytoarchitectonic information from a published dataset is combined with high resolution structural MR images using deformable registration of a region of interest. In this paper, we have targeted the three sub-areas of the primary auditory cortex (located on Heschl's gyrus), however the method could be applied to any other cytoarchitectonic region. The resulting probability maps show a significantly higher overlap than previous versions generated using the same cytoarchitectonic data, and more accurately span the macroanatomical structure of the auditory cortex. This improvement indicates a high potential for spatially accurate fMRI analysis, allowing more reliable correlation between anatomical structure and function. We validate the approach using fMRI data from nine individuals, taken f...
Lara Bailey, Purang Abolmaesumi, Julian Tam, Patri
Added 14 Nov 2009
Updated 14 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Lara Bailey, Purang Abolmaesumi, Julian Tam, Patricia Morosan, Rhodri Cusack, Katrin Amunts, Ingrid S. Johnsrude
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