The scope of the well-known k-means algorithm has been
broadly extended with some recent results: first, the k-
means++ initialization method gives some approximation
guarantees; second, the Bregman k-means algorithm gener-
alizes the classical algorithm to the large family of Bregman
divergences. The Bregman seeding framework combines
approximation guarantees with Bregman divergences. We
present here an extension of the k-means algorithm using the
family of α-divergences. With the framework for represen-
tational Bregman divergences, we show that an α-divergence
based k-means algorithm can be designed. We present pre-
liminary experiments for clustering and image segmentation
applications. Since α-divergences are the natural divergences
for constant curvature spaces, these experiments are expected
to give information on the structure of the data.