

Scafida: a scale-free network inspired data center architecture

13 years 10 months ago
Scafida: a scale-free network inspired data center architecture
Data centers have a crucial role in current Internet architecture supporting content-centric networking. State-of-theart data centers have different architectures like fat-tree [16, 10], DCell [12], or BCube [11]. However, their architectures share a common property: symmetry. Due to their symmetric nature, a tricky point with these architectures is that they are hard to be extended in small quantities. Contrary to state-of-the-art data center architectures, we propose an asymmetric data center topology generation method called Scafida inspired by scale-free networks; these data centers have not only small diameters and high fault tolerance, inherited by scale-free networks, but can also be scaled in smaller and less homogenous increments. We extend the original scale-free network generation algorithm of Barab
László Gyarmati, Tuan Anh Trinh
Added 28 Feb 2011
Updated 28 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CCR
Authors László Gyarmati, Tuan Anh Trinh
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