

A new paradigm for integrated environmental monitoring

13 years 11 months ago
A new paradigm for integrated environmental monitoring
The vision of an integrated Earth observation system to help protect and sustain the planet and its inhabitants is significant and timely, and thus has been identified recently by many organizations. Clearly, the societal benefits of global integrated monitoring are many: to understand how environment and humans are linked, to protect and monitor resources (water supply, weather, oceans) and predict and adapt to their change, to provide for sustainable development, and to reduce costs/impacts of disasters and provide for an effective and intelligent response. The requirements of such a system are that it be able to collect observations (remote sensing/satellite data and in-situ sensors), manage data1,3 (archive, model), interface with users (user- and context-specific display), and that it enhance human capacity by providing for research/training, collaboration and ultimately decision support. Further, in order to be effective, it must also be easily usable by a wide cross section of ...
Kevin Montgomery, Carsten W. Mundt
Added 01 Mar 2011
Updated 01 Mar 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Kevin Montgomery, Carsten W. Mundt
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