

Keyloggers in Cybersecurity Education

14 years 15 days ago
Keyloggers in Cybersecurity Education
Abstract-- Keylogger programs attempt to retrieve confidential information by covertly capturing user input via keystroke monitoring and then relaying this information to others, often for malicious purposes. Keyloggers thus pose a major threat to business and personal activities such as Internet transactions, online banking, email, or chat. To deal with such threats, not only must users be made aware about this type of malware, but software practitioners and students must also be educated in the design, implementation, and monitoring of effective defenses against different keylogger attacks. This paper presents a case for incorporating keylogging in cybersecurity education. First, the paper provides an overview of keylogger programs, discusses keylogger design, implementation, and usage, and presents effective approaches to detect and prevent keylogging attacks. Second, the paper outlines several keylogging projects that can be incorporated into an undergraduate computing program to e...
Christopher Wood, Rajendra Raj
Added 01 Mar 2011
Updated 01 Mar 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Christopher Wood, Rajendra Raj
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