

Concept Learning Games: The Game of Query and Response

13 years 12 months ago
Concept Learning Games: The Game of Query and Response
Abstract--This article deals with the issue of concept learning and tries to have a game theoretic view over the process of cooperative concept learning among agents in a multi-agent system, in which an extreme sense of competition has arisen. This gives birth to a new realm labeled as "Learning Games". We study the cooperative view and give a novel idea to use in competitive environments based on the solution concepts of game theory and an innovative idea of concept scores over an ontology, which is used as our knowledge representation tool for agents. A case study comes at the end and covers the FAQs of this method over a scientific world topic of AIDS remedy project. Keywords-Ontology, Game Theory, Multi-Agent System (MAS), Concept Learning
Nima Mirbakhsh, Arman Didandeh, Mohsen Afsharchi
Added 03 Mar 2011
Updated 03 Mar 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where IAT
Authors Nima Mirbakhsh, Arman Didandeh, Mohsen Afsharchi
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