

Management of Correctness Problems in UML Class Diagrams Towards a Pattern-Based Approach

14 years 9 days ago
Management of Correctness Problems in UML Class Diagrams Towards a Pattern-Based Approach
UML is now widely accepted as the standard modeling language for software construction. The Class Diagram is its core view, having well formed semantics and providing the backbone for any modeling effort. Class diagrams are widely used for purposes such as software specification, database and ontology engineering, meta-modeling, and model transformation. The central role played by class diagrams emphasizes the need for strengthening UML modeling tools with features such as recognition of erroneous models and the detection of errors' sources. Correctness of UML class diagrams refers to the capability of a diagram to denote a finite but not empty reality. This is a natural, unquestionable requirement. Nevertheless, incorrect diagrams are often designed, due to the interaction of contradicting constraints and the limitations of current tools. In this paper we clarify the notion of class diagram correctness, discuss various approaches for detecting correctness problems, and propose a...
Mira Balaban, Azzam Maraee, Arnon Sturm
Added 05 Mar 2011
Updated 05 Mar 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Mira Balaban, Azzam Maraee, Arnon Sturm
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