

Multicriteria reinforcement learning based on a Russian doll method for network routing

14 years 11 days ago
Multicriteria reinforcement learning based on a Russian doll method for network routing
The routing in communication networks is typically a multicriteria decision making (MCDM) problem. However, setting the parameters of most used MCDM methods to fit the preferences of a decision maker is often a difficult task. A Russian doll method able to choose the best multicriteria solution according to a context defined beforehand is proposed. This context is given by a set of nested boxes in the criteria space, the shapes of which can be established from objective facts such as technical standards, technical specifications, etc. This kind of method is well suited for self-adaptive systems because it is designed to be able to give pertinent results without interaction with a decision maker, whatever the Pareto front. The Russian doll multicriteria decision method is used with a reinforcement learning to optimize the routing in a mobile ad-hoc network. The results on a case study show that the routing can be finely controlled because of the possibility to include as much parameters...
Alain Pétrowski, Farouk Aissanou, Ilham Ben
Added 05 Mar 2011
Updated 05 Mar 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where IS
Authors Alain Pétrowski, Farouk Aissanou, Ilham Benyahia, Sébastien Houcke
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