

iModel: Interactive Co-segmentation for Object of Interest 3D Modeling

14 years 2 days ago
iModel: Interactive Co-segmentation for Object of Interest 3D Modeling
We present an interactive system to create 3D models of objects of interest in their natural cluttered environments. A typical setting for 3D modeling of an object of interest involves capturing images from multiple views in a multi-camera studio with a mono-color screen or structured lighting. This is a tedious process and cannot be applied to a variety of objects. Moreover, general scene reconstruction algorithms fail to focus on the object of interest to the user. In this work, we use successful ideas from the object cut-out literature, and develop an interactive-cosegmentation-based algorithm that uses scribbles from the user indicating foreground (object to be modeled) and background (clutter) to extract silhouettes of the object of interest from multiple views. Using these silhouettes, and the camera parameters obtained from structure-from-motion, in conjunction with a shape-from-silhouette algorithm we generate a texture-mapped 3D model of the object of interest.
Adarsh Kowdle, Wen-Chao Chen, Dhruv Batra, Tsuhan
Added 14 Mar 2011
Updated 14 Mar 2011
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where Workshop on Reconstruction and Modeling of Large-Scale 3D Virtual Environments, European Conference on Computer Vision, 2010 (ECCV '10)
Authors Adarsh Kowdle, Wen-Chao Chen, Dhruv Batra, Tsuhan Chen
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