

Learning the Compositional Structure of Man-Made Objects for 3D Shape Retrieval

13 years 9 months ago
Learning the Compositional Structure of Man-Made Objects for 3D Shape Retrieval
While approaches based on local features play a more and more important role for 3D shape retrieval, the problems of feature selection and similarity measurement between sets of local features still remain open tasks. Common algorithms usually measure the similarity between two such sets by either establishing feature correspondences or by using Bag-of-Features (BoF) approaches. While establishing correspondences often involves a lot of manually chosen thresholds, BoF approaches can hardly model the spatial structure of the underlying 3D object. In this paper focusing on retrieval of 3D models representing man-made objects, we try to tackle both of these problems. Exploiting the fact that man-made objects usually consist of a small set of certain shape primitives, we propose a feature selection technique that decomposes 3D point clouds into sections that can be represented by a plane, a sphere, a cylinder, a cone, or a torus. We then introduce a probabilistic framework for analyzing a...
Raoul Wessel, Reinhard Klein
Added 12 May 2011
Updated 12 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where 3DOR
Authors Raoul Wessel, Reinhard Klein
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