

Cage-Based Tracking for Performance Animation

13 years 10 months ago
Cage-Based Tracking for Performance Animation
Abstract. Full body performance capture is a promising emerging technology that has been intensively studied in Computer Graphics and Computer Vision over the last decade. Highly-detailed performance animations are easier to obtain using existing multiple views platforms, markerless capture and 3D laser scanner. In this paper, we investigate the feasibility of extracting optimal reduced animation parameters without requiring an underlying rigid kinematic structure. This paper explores the potential of introducing harmonic cage-based linear estimation and deformation as post-process of current performance capture techniques used in 3D time-varying scene capture technology. We propose the first algorithm for performing cage-based tracking across time for vision and virtual reality applications. The main advantages of our novel approach are its linear single pass estimation of the desired surface, easy-to-reuse output cage sequences and reduction in storage size of animations. Our results...
Yann Savoye, Jean-Sébastien Franco
Added 12 May 2011
Updated 12 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where ACCV
Authors Yann Savoye, Jean-Sébastien Franco
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