

Optimizing Visual Vocabularies Using Soft Assignment Entropies

13 years 10 months ago
Optimizing Visual Vocabularies Using Soft Assignment Entropies
The state of the art for large database object retrieval in images is based on quantizing descriptors of interest points into visual words. High similarity between matching image representations (as bags of words) is based upon the assumption that matched points in the two images end up in similar words in hard assignment or in similar representations in soft assignment techniques. In this paper we study how ground truth correspondences can be used to generate better visual vocabularies. Matching of image patches can be done e.g. using deformable models or from estimating 3D geometry. For optimization of the vocabulary, we propose minimizing the entropies of soft assignment of points. We base our clustering on hierarchical k-splits. The results from our entropy based clustering are compared with hierarchical k-means. The vocabularies have been tested on real data with decreased entropy and increased true positive rate, as well as better retrieval performance.
Yubin Kuang, Kalle Åström, Lars Kopp, M
Added 12 May 2011
Updated 12 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where ACCV
Authors Yubin Kuang, Kalle Åström, Lars Kopp, Magnus Oskarsson, Martin Byröd
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