

Human-to-dancer interaction: designing for embodied performances in a participatory installation

13 years 10 months ago
Human-to-dancer interaction: designing for embodied performances in a participatory installation
In this article we describe the creation and exhibit of a participatory installation performance. Graffiti Dance allows the audience to graffiti paint with light onto a buildings side and receive immediate local feedback from a set of dancers choreographed to respond to the movement on the public display. The installation is a holistic experience using a plurality of sources (syndicated news Images and Twitter) and local influences (from mobile uploads) that reflect our understanding of the world around us, how we speak out in public forums, and how we interpret the creative act. We present the results of the performance from the perspective of the audience and the dancers and present new directions for future performances. Author Keywords Graffiti, mobile, projection, dance, community, network, art ACM Classification Keywords H.5.2 Information Interfaces and Presentation: Miscellaneous
David A. Shamma, Renata M. Sheppard, Jürgen S
Added 12 May 2011
Updated 12 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors David A. Shamma, Renata M. Sheppard, Jürgen Scheible
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