

Human motion database with a binary tree and node transition graphs

13 years 9 months ago
Human motion database with a binary tree and node transition graphs
— Database of human motion has been widely used for recognizing human motion and synthesizing humanoid motions. In this paper, we propose a data structure for storing and extracting human motion data and demonstrate that the database can be applied to the recognition and motion synthesis problems in robotics. We develop an efficient method for building a binary tree data structure from a set of continuous, multi-dimensional motion clips. Each node of the tree represents a statistical distribution of a set of human figure states extracted from the motion clips. We also identify the valid transitions among the nodes and construct node transition graphs. Similar states in different clips may be grouped into a single node, thereby allowing transitions between different behaviors. Using databases constructed from real human motion data, we demonstrate that the proposed data structure can be used for human motion recognition, state estimation and prediction, and robot motion planning.
Katsu Yamane, Yoshifumi Yamaguchi, Yoshihiko Nakam
Added 12 May 2011
Updated 12 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Authors Katsu Yamane, Yoshifumi Yamaguchi, Yoshihiko Nakamura
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