Recent studies suggest that the mammalian genomes can be subdivided in segments within which there is limited haplotype diversity. Understanding the distribution and structure of these blocks will help to unravel many biological problems including the identification of genes associated with complex diseases, finding the ancestral origins of a given population, and localizing regions of historical recombination, gene conversion and homoplasy and may also help to detect genotyping errors. We present methods for partitioning a genome into blocks for which there are no apparent recombinations. Thus providing parsimonious sets of compatible genome intervals based on the four-gamete test. Our contribution is a thorough analysis of the problem of dividing a genome into compatible intervals, in terms of its computational complexity, and by providing an achievable lower-bound on the minimal number intervals required to cover an entire data set. In general such minimal interval partitions are n...
Jeremy W. Wang, Kyle J. Moore, Qi Zhang, Fernando