

SecTag: a multi-policy supported secure web tag framework

13 years 7 months ago
SecTag: a multi-policy supported secure web tag framework
Traditional web application development often encounters tight coupling problem between access control logic and business logic. It is hard to configure and modify access control policies after a system has been deployed. In this demonstration, we present SecTag, a multi-policy supported secure web tag framework, to address this problem. We define a series of general-purpose secure attributes that meet the demand of fine-grained access control in web presentation layer. We also design a set of high interactive secure tags, which encapsulate secure features to provide reusable secure components for web development. A running example of SecTag is presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework. Categories and Subject Descriptors D.4.6 [Operating Systems]: Security and Protection-Access Controls; D.2.9 [Software Engineering]: Management--Software configuration management General Terms Security, Management
Ruixuan Li, Meng Dong, Bin Liu, Jianfeng Lu, Xiaop
Added 12 May 2011
Updated 12 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CCS
Authors Ruixuan Li, Meng Dong, Bin Liu, Jianfeng Lu, Xiaopu Ma, Kai Li
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