

Clustering of Gaze During Dynamic Scene Viewing is Predicted by Motion

13 years 10 months ago
Clustering of Gaze During Dynamic Scene Viewing is Predicted by Motion
Where does one attend when viewing dynamic scenes? Research into the factors influencing gaze location during static scene viewing have reported that low-level visual features contribute very little to gaze location especially when opposed by high-level factors such as viewing task. However, the inclusion of transient features such as motion in dynamic scenes may result in a greater influence of visual features on gaze allocation and coordination of gaze across viewers. In the present study, we investigated the contribution of low- to mid-level visual features to gaze location during free-viewing of a large dataset of videos ranging in content and length. Signal detection analysis on visual features and Gaussian Mixture Models for clustering gaze was used to identify the contribution of visual features to gaze location. The results show that mid-level visual features including corners and orientations can distinguish between actual gaze locations and a randomly sampled baseline. Howe...
Parag K. Mital, Tim J. Smith, Robin L. Hill, John
Added 13 May 2011
Updated 13 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Authors Parag K. Mital, Tim J. Smith, Robin L. Hill, John M. Henderson
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