

Aging in language dynamics

13 years 10 months ago
Aging in language dynamics
Human languages evolve continuously, and a puzzling problem is how to reconcile the apparent robustness of most of the deep linguistic structures we use with the evidence that they undergo possibly slow, yet ceaseless, changes. Is the state in which we observe languages today closer to what would be a dynamical attractor with statistically stationary properties or rather closer to a non-steady state slowly evolving in time? Here we address this question in the framework of the emergence of shared linguistic categories in a population of individuals interacting through language games. The observed emerging asymptotic categorization, which has been previously tested - with success - against experimental data from human languages, corresponds to a metastable state where global shifts are always possible but progressively more unlikely and the response properties depend on the age of the system. This aging mechanism exhibits striking quantitative analogies to what is observed in the stati...
Animesh Mukherjee, Francesca Tria, Andrea Baronche
Added 13 May 2011
Updated 13 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where CORR
Authors Animesh Mukherjee, Francesca Tria, Andrea Baronchelli, Andrea Puglisi, Vittorio Loreto
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