

Action-based analysis of discrete regulatory networks with short-term stimuli

13 years 10 months ago
Action-based analysis of discrete regulatory networks with short-term stimuli
To incorporate instant effects and different timescales within a single biological system, an extension of discrete regulatory networks with short-term stimuli is proposed. By maintaining a vector of recent changes, activities initiated by a steep increase or decrease can be captured in a qualitative setting. In order to compensate for the blow-up due to enhanced states, we focus on observable behavior. Identification of bisimilar states yields a compact system representation truthfully expressing the information relevant for deciding logical properties. The approach is implemented by means of a front-end to the mCRL2 tool set and illustrated for the switching of bacteriophage lambda and a bio-medical case study related to TGF driven fibrotic conditions. Keywords Discrete regulatory networks, bisimulation, model checking.
Christian Krause, Carola Krause, Erik P. de Vink
Added 13 May 2011
Updated 13 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CMSB
Authors Christian Krause, Carola Krause, Erik P. de Vink
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