

Sentiment Classification and Polarity Shifting

13 years 10 months ago
Sentiment Classification and Polarity Shifting
Polarity shifting marked by various linguistic structures has been a challenge to automatic sentiment classification. In this paper, we propose a machine learning approach to incorporate polarity shifting information into a document-level sentiment classification system. First, a feature selection method is adopted to automatically generate the training data for a binary classifier on polarity shifting detection of sentences. Then, by using the obtained binary classifier, each document in the original polarity classification training data is split into two partitions, polarity-shifted and polarity-unshifted, which are used to train two base classifiers respectively for further classifier combination. The experimental results across four different domains demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.
Shoushan Li, Sophia Yat Mei Lee, Ying Chen, Chu-Re
Added 13 May 2011
Updated 13 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Shoushan Li, Sophia Yat Mei Lee, Ying Chen, Chu-Ren Huang, Guodong Zhou
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