

Query Recommendation for Improving Search Engine Results

13 years 9 months ago
Query Recommendation for Improving Search Engine Results
— recently, search engines become more critical for finding information over the World Wide Web where web content growing fast, the user's satisfaction of search engine results is decreased. This paper proposes a method for suggesting a list of queries that are related to the user input query. The related queries are based on previously issued queries by the users. The proposed method is based on clustering process in which groups of semantically similar queries are detected. This facility provides some queries which are related to the queries submitted by users in order direct them toward their required information. This method not only discovered the related queries but also rank them according to a similarity measure. Finally the method has been evaluated using real data sets from the search engine query log.
Hamada M. Zahera, Gamal F. El-Hady, W. F. Abd El-W
Added 14 May 2011
Updated 14 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Authors Hamada M. Zahera, Gamal F. El-Hady, W. F. Abd El-Wahed
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