

On generalized Ekeland's variational principle and equivalent formulations for set-valued mappings

13 years 10 months ago
On generalized Ekeland's variational principle and equivalent formulations for set-valued mappings
We propose a very weak type of generalized distance called weak τ-function and use it to weaken the assumptions about lower semicontinuity in existing formulations of Ekeland’s variational principle for a kind of minimizers of a set-valued mapping, which is different from the Pareto minimizer, and in recent results which are equivalent to Ekeland’s variational principle. Keywords Quasimetric spaces, locally convex spaces, weak τ-functions, Ekeland’s variational principle, K-lower semicontinity from above, lower closedness.
Phan Quoc Khanh, D. N. Quy
Added 14 May 2011
Updated 14 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where JGO
Authors Phan Quoc Khanh, D. N. Quy
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