

The computational power of membrane systems under tight uniformity conditions

13 years 9 months ago
The computational power of membrane systems under tight uniformity conditions
We apply techniques from complexity theory to a model of biological cellular membranes known as membrane systems or P-systems. Like Boolean circuits, membrane systems are defined as uniform families of computational devices. To date, polynomial time uniformity has been the accepted uniformity notion for membrane systems. Here, we introduce the idea of using AC0 -uniformity and investigate the computational power of membrane systems under these tighter conditions. It turns out that the computational power of some systems is lowered from P to NL when using AC0 -semi-uniformity, so we argue that this is a more reasonable uniformity notion for these systems as well as others. Interestingly, other P-semi-uniform systems that are known to be lower-bounded by P are shown to retain their P lower-bound under the new tighter semi-uniformity condition. Similarly, a number of membrane systems that are known to solve PSPACE-complete problems retain their computational power under tighter uniformit...
Niall Murphy, Damien Woods
Added 14 May 2011
Updated 14 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where NC
Authors Niall Murphy, Damien Woods
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