

The cover time of random geometric graphs

13 years 7 months ago
The cover time of random geometric graphs
We study the cover time of random geometric graphs. Let I(d) = [0, 1]d denote the unit torus in d dimensions. Let D(x, r) denote the ball (disc) of radius r. Let Υd be the volume of the unit ball D(0, 1) in d dimensions. A random geometric graph G = G(d, r, n) in d dimensions is defined as follows: Sample n points V independently and uniformly at random from I(d). For each point x draw a ball D(x, r) of radius r about x. The vertex set V (G) = V and the edge set E(G) = {{v, w} : w = v, w ∈ D(v, r)}. Let G(d, r, n), d ≥ 3 be a random geometric graph. Let CG denote the cover time of a simple random walk on G. Let c > 1 be constant, and let r = (c log n/(Υdn))1/d . Then whp the cover time satisfies CG ∼ c log c c − 1 n log n.
Colin Cooper, Alan M. Frieze
Added 14 May 2011
Updated 14 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where RSA
Authors Colin Cooper, Alan M. Frieze
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