

MANET QoS support without reservations

13 years 9 months ago
MANET QoS support without reservations
An inelastic flow is a flow with inelastic rate: i.e., the rate is fixed, it cannot be dynamically adjusted to traffic and load condition as in elastic flows like TCP. Real time, interactive sessions and video/audio streaming are typical examples of inelastic flows. Reliable support of inelastic flows in wireless ad hoc networks is extremely challenging because flows and routes dynamically change and flows compete for the shared wireless channel. Bandwidth must be reserved for inelastic flows at session set up time. To avoid repeated attempts to set up reservations in a “volatile” network and prevent serious network capacity degradation due to call set up overhead, a Call Admission Control strategy robust to mobility must be developed. In this paper we propose ProbeCast, a probe based call admission control scheme with QoS guarantees for inelastic flows. ProbCast was designed for multicast streams but can also work, by default, for unicast. In ProbeCast, a path (or a tre...
Soon-Young Oh, Gustavo Marfia, Mario Gerla
Added 15 May 2011
Updated 15 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where SCN
Authors Soon-Young Oh, Gustavo Marfia, Mario Gerla
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