

Wave Attenuation through Multiple Rows of Scatterers with Differing Periodicities

13 years 10 months ago
Wave Attenuation through Multiple Rows of Scatterers with Differing Periodicities
A solution method is proposed for calculating wave scattering by a multiple-row array in which the rows are permitted to have different periodicities. Each individual row contains an infinite number of identical and equispaced scatterers, which can be solved through standard techniques by invoking periodicity. Previous studies have investigated the wave attenuation produced by multiple-row arrays but in which the periodicity in the rows is fixed. However, this leads to difficulties around the resonant points, at which the number of scattering angles produced by the rows changes. The method outlined in the present work involves a discretization of the directional spectrum. This is combined with a mapping of the individual rows onto neighboring geometries that fit into the discrete system, so that, as the mesh is refined, the geometry converges to its intended form. The method is applied to a canonical problem in which a potential function exists in the two-dimensional plane exterio...
Luke G. Bennetts
Added 15 May 2011
Updated 15 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Authors Luke G. Bennetts
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