We investigate the problem of learning to rank for document retrieval from the perspective of learning with multiple objective functions. We present solutions to two open problems in learning to rank: first, we show how multiple measures can be combined into a single graded measure that can be learned. This solves the problem of learning from a ‘scorecard’ of measures by making such scorecards comparable, and we show results where a standard web relevance measure (NDCG) is used for the top-tier measure, and a relevance measure derived from click data is used for the second-tier measure; the second-tier measure is shown to significantly improve while leaving the top-tier measure largely unchanged. Second, we note that the learning-to-rank problem can itself be viewed as changing as the ranking model learns: for example, early in learning, adjusting the rank of all documents can be advantageous, but later during training, it becomes more desirable to concentrate on correcting the ...