

OntoTrix: a hybrid visualization for populated ontologies

13 years 9 months ago
OntoTrix: a hybrid visualization for populated ontologies
Most Semantic Web data visualization tools structure the representation according to the concept definitions and interrelations that constitute the ontology’s vocabulary. Instances are often treated as somewhat peripheral information, when considered at all. These instances, that populate ontologies, represent an essential part of any knowledge base, and are often orders of magnitude more numerous than the concept definitions that give them machine-processable meaning. We present a visualization technique designed to enable users to visualize large instance sets and the relations that connect them. This hybrid visualization uses both node-link and adjacency matrix representations of graphs to visualize different parts of the data depending on their semantic and local structural properties, exploiting ontological knowledge to drive the graph layout. The representation is embedded in an environment that features advanced interaction techniques for easy navigation, including support ...
Benjamin Bach, Emmanuel Pietriga, Ilaria Liccardi,
Added 15 May 2011
Updated 15 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where WWW
Authors Benjamin Bach, Emmanuel Pietriga, Ilaria Liccardi, Gennady Legostaev
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