

Feature Selection via Maximizing Fuzzy Dependency

13 years 10 months ago
Feature Selection via Maximizing Fuzzy Dependency
Feature selection is an important preprocessing step in pattern analysis and machine learning. The key issue in feature selection is to evaluate quality of candidate features. In this work, we introduce a weighted distance learning algorithm for feature selection via maximizing fuzzy dependency. We maximize fuzzy dependency between features and decision by distance learning and then evaluate the quality of features with the learned weight vector. The features deriving great weights are considered to be useful for classification learning. We test the proposed technique with some classical methods and the experimental results show the proposed algorithm is effective.
Qinghua Hu, Pengfei Zhu, Jinfu Liu, Yongbin Yang,
Added 17 May 2011
Updated 17 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where FUIN
Authors Qinghua Hu, Pengfei Zhu, Jinfu Liu, Yongbin Yang, Daren Yu
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