

Modeling and estimating the spatial distribution of healthcare workers

13 years 9 months ago
Modeling and estimating the spatial distribution of healthcare workers
This paper describes a spatial model for healthcare workers' location in a large hospital facility. Such models have many applications in healthcare, such as supporting timeand-motion efficiency studies to improve healthcare delivery, or modeling the spread of hospital-acquired infections. We use our model to estimate spatial distributions for healthcare workers in The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics (UIHC), a 700-bed comprehensive academic medical center spanning a total of 3.2 million square feet and employing about 8,000 healthcare workers. We model the UIHC as a metric space induced by walking distance between pairs of rooms, and with each room having a level of attractiveness representing the activity level in that room. We combine this with a model in which each healthcare worker has a center of activity and a probability density function that decays polynomially as we move away from the center. Using 12 million Electronic Medical Record (EMR) logins collected over...
Donald Ephraim Curtis, Christopher S. Hlady, Srira
Added 18 May 2011
Updated 18 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where IHI
Authors Donald Ephraim Curtis, Christopher S. Hlady, Sriram V. Pemmaraju, Philip Polgreen, Alberto Maria Segre
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