

Lexical entrainment of real users in the let's go spoken dialog system

13 years 9 months ago
Lexical entrainment of real users in the let's go spoken dialog system
This paper examines the lexical entrainment of real users in the Let's Go spoken dialog system. First it presents a study of the presence of entrainment in a year of human-transcribed dialogs, by using a linear regression model, and concludes that users adapt their vocabulary to the system's. This is followed by a study of the effect of changing the system vocabulary on the distribution of words used by the callers. The latter analysis provides strong evidence for the presence of lexical entrainment between users and spoken dialog systems.
Gabriel Parent, Maxine Eskenazi
Added 18 May 2011
Updated 18 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Gabriel Parent, Maxine Eskenazi
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