

The Enterprise Data Trust at Mayo Clinic: a semantically integrated warehouse of biomedical data

13 years 7 months ago
The Enterprise Data Trust at Mayo Clinic: a semantically integrated warehouse of biomedical data
Mayo Clinic's Enterprise Data Trust is a collection of data from patient care, education, research, and administrative transactional systems, organized to support information retrieval, business intelligence, and high-level decision making. Structurally it is a top-down, subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant, and non-volatile collection of data in support of Mayo Clinic's analytic and decisionmaking processes. It is an interconnected piece of Mayo Clinic's Enterprise Information Management initiative, which also includes Data Governance, Enterprise Data Modeling, the Enterprise Vocabulary System, and Metadata Management. These resources enable unprecedented organization of enterprise information about patient, genomic, and research data. While facile access for cohort definition or aggregate retrieval is supported, a high level of security, retrieval audit, and user authentication ensures privacy, confidentiality, and respect for the trust imparted by our patients ...
Christopher G. Chute, Scott A. Beck, Thomas B. Fis
Added 19 May 2011
Updated 19 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Christopher G. Chute, Scott A. Beck, Thomas B. Fisk, David N. Mohr
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