

Feature Preserving Mesh Simplification Using Feature Sensitive Metric

13 years 7 months ago
Feature Preserving Mesh Simplification Using Feature Sensitive Metric
We present a new method for feature preserving mesh simplification based on feature sensitive (FS) metric. Previous quadric error based approach is extended to a high-dimensional FS space so as to measure the geometric distance together with normal deviation. As the normal direction of a surface point is uniquely determined by the position in Euclidian space, we employ a two-step linear optimization scheme to efficiently derive the constrained optimal target point. We demonstrate that our algorithm can preserve features more precisely under the global geometric properties, and can naturally retain more triangular patches on the feature regions without special feature detection procedure during the simplification process. Taking the advantage of the blow-up phenomenon in FS space, we design an error weight that can produce more suitable results. We also show that Hausdorff distance is markedly reduced during FS simplification. Keywords mesh simplification, feature preserving, feature se...
Jin Wei, Yu Lou
Added 19 May 2011
Updated 19 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where JCST
Authors Jin Wei, Yu Lou
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