

Predictive Analysis for Customer Relationship Management

13 years 10 months ago
Predictive Analysis for Customer Relationship Management
The approach for predictive analysis focuses on a business strategy to streamline business-customer relationships in order to maximize client satisfaction and thereby improve customer loyalty and retention. The aim of this paper is to develop a trend for launching desktops and laptops of various configurations for customers of different age groups and gender, based on past data of purchases done by customers. Prediction is done using the previous transactions of the customers and data is estimated with the help of the concepts of data mining and genetic algorithm. This approach would let a dealer or shopkeeper of computers to provide the best configuration of laptops and desktops in order to get more revenue as well as to get more customer satisfaction. This paper study aims to establish a theory and a method that allows any computer seller to define a new trend and launch a new series of computers on the basis of `Survival of fittest' using the previous transactions of the custo...
Manisha Rathi, Anand Priyadarshini, Ankit Rastogi
Added 19 May 2011
Updated 19 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Manisha Rathi, Anand Priyadarshini, Ankit Rastogi
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