

Matrix Completion from Noisy Entries

13 years 10 months ago
Matrix Completion from Noisy Entries
Given a matrix M of low-rank, we consider the problem of reconstructing it from noisy observations of a small, random subset of its entries. The problem arises in a variety of applications, from collaborative filtering (the `Netflix problem') to structure-from-motion and positioning. We study a low complexity algorithm introduced in [KMO09], based on a combination of spectral techniques and manifold optimization, that we call here OptSpace. We prove performance guarantees that are order-optimal in a number of circumstances.
Raghunandan H. Keshavan, Andrea Montanari, Sewoong
Added 19 May 2011
Updated 19 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where JMLR
Authors Raghunandan H. Keshavan, Andrea Montanari, Sewoong Oh
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