

The Interplay between Prosody and Syntax in Sentence Processing: The Case of Subject- and Object-control Verbs

13 years 10 months ago
The Interplay between Prosody and Syntax in Sentence Processing: The Case of Subject- and Object-control Verbs
This study addresses the question whether prosodic information can affect the choice for a syntactic analysis in auditory sentence processing. We manipulated the prosody (in the form of a prosodic break; PB) of locally ambiguous Dutch sentences to favor one of two interpretations. The experimental items contained two different types of so-called control verbs (subject and object control) in the matrix clause and were syntactically disambiguated by a transitive or by an intransitive verb. In Experiment 1, we established the default off-line preference of the items for a transitive or an intransitive disambiguating verb with a visual and an auditory fragment completion test. The results suggested that subject- and object-control verbs differently affect the syntactic structure that listeners expect. In Experiment 2, we investigated these two types of verbs separately in an on-line ERP study. Consistent with the literature, the PB elicited a closure positive shift. Furthermore, in subjec...
Sara Bögels, Herbert Schriefers, Wietske Vonk
Added 19 May 2011
Updated 19 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where JOCN
Authors Sara Bögels, Herbert Schriefers, Wietske Vonk, Dorothee J. Chwilla, Roel Kerkhofs
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