

ICE-Theorem - End to end semantically aware eResearch infrastructure for theses

13 years 10 months ago
ICE-Theorem - End to end semantically aware eResearch infrastructure for theses
: ICE-TheOREM was a project which made several important contributions to the repository domain, promoting deposit by integrating the repository with authoring workflows and enhancing open access, by adding new infrastructure to allow fine-grained embargo management within an institution without impacting on existing open access repository infrastructure. In the area of scholarly communications workflows, the project produced a complete endto-end demonstration of eScholarship for word processor users, with tools for authoring, managing and disseminating semantically-rich thesis documents fully integrated with supporting data. This work is focused on theses, as it is well understood that early career researchers are the most likely to lead the charge in new innovations in scholarly publishing and dissemination models. The authoring tools are built on the ICE content management system, which allows authors to work within a word processing system (as most authors do) with easy-to-use tool...
Peter Sefton, Jim Downing
Added 19 May 2011
Updated 19 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where JODI
Authors Peter Sefton, Jim Downing
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