

InstantLeap: an architecture for fast neighbor discovery in large-scale P2P VoD streaming

13 years 9 months ago
InstantLeap: an architecture for fast neighbor discovery in large-scale P2P VoD streaming
In large-scale peer-to-peer (P2P) Video-on-Demand (VoD) streaming applications, a fundamental challenge is to quickly locate new supplying peers whenever a VCR command is issued, in order to achieve smooth viewing experiences. For many existing commercial systems which use tracker servers for neighbor discovery, the increasing scale of P2P VoD systems has overloaded the dedicated servers to the point where they cannot accurately identify the suppliers with the desired content and bandwidth. To avoid overloading the servers and achieve instant neighbor discovery over the self-organizing P2P overlay, we design a novel method of organizing peers watching a video. The method features a light-weight indexing architecture to support efficient streaming and fast neighbor discovery at the same time. InstantLeap separates the neighbors at each peer into a streaming neighbor list and a shortcut neighbor list, for streaming and neighbor discovery respectively, which are maintained loosely but ef...
Xuanjia Qiu, Wei Huang, Chuan Wu, Francis C. M. La
Added 20 May 2011
Updated 20 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where MMS
Authors Xuanjia Qiu, Wei Huang, Chuan Wu, Francis C. M. Lau, Xiaola Lin
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