

Portrait of the four regular super-exponentials to base sqrt(2)

13 years 9 months ago
Portrait of the four regular super-exponentials to base sqrt(2)
We introduce the concept of regular super-functions at a fixed point. It is derived from the concept of regular iteration. A super-function F of h is a solution of F(z+1)=h(F(z)). We provide a condition for F being entire, we also give two uniqueness criteria for regular super-functions. In the particular case h(x)=b^x we call F super-exponential. h has two real fixed points for b between 1 and e^(1/e). Exemplary we choose the base b=sqrt(2) and portrait the four classes of real regular super-exponentials in the complex plane. There are two at fixed point 2 and two at fixed point 4. Each class is given by the translations along the x-axis of a suitable representative. Both super-exponentials at fixed point 4 -- one strictly increasing and one strictly decreasing -- are entire. Both super-exponentials at fixed point 2 -one strictly increasing and one strictly decreasing -- are holomorphic on a right halfplane. All four super-exponentials are periodic along the imaginary axis. Only the s...
Dmitrii Kouznetsov, Henryk Trappmann
Added 20 May 2011
Updated 20 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where MOC
Authors Dmitrii Kouznetsov, Henryk Trappmann
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